

1.适用于中大型桩基础工程施工; Suitable for middle size and large size basic construction2.超强的输出扭矩,确保在不同


最大钻孔直径(m) 2.51
最大钻孔深度(m) 701
设备总重量(kg) 700001
发动机额定功率(kW) 2131
最大加压力 (kN) 2201
最大提升力(kN) 2001
最大输出扭矩(kN.m) 2601

1.适用于中大型桩基础工程施工; Suitable for middle size and large size basic construction

2.超强的输出扭矩,确保在不同地质状况下完成施工;Super output torque ensure to finish the construction under different geological condition.

3.柴油机具有自动加速/降速功能,使燃油耗费下降5-10%; diesel motor has the function to increase and reduce speed, which makes the oil cost down 5-10%


Hydraulic system is applied by import main control loop and forerunner control loop to make the best match under any condition; hydraulic pump, hydraulic motor, hydraulic valve and pipe joint are all imported from brand products, which makes the system high reliability.

5.入岩旋挖钻机,最大加压力达到230kN;The most applying pressure of rotary drilling rig into the rock can reach 230KN.

6.采用入岩动力头,使钻机钻进普通钻机无法钻进的岩层,可以钻进单轴抗压强度不大于50 MPa的岩层。可提供持续稳定加压力,提高工作效率。先进的加压系统使钻机钻进时桅杆的稳定性大大提高,岩层对钻机的反作用力大部分会被加压系统内部吸收。

Power head is strong to drill into the rock which can not be drilled by normal drilling rig; it can drill the rock which the uniaxial compressive strength is less than 50MPA. Continuous Stability applied pressure can improve work efficiency. Advanced pressure applying system improves the stablability greatly; the reaction force can be absorbed by the system itself.

扭矩(kN•m) 180-360(中型)
坤宇重装KYR250旋挖钻机高清图 - 外观